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Wren Class
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Wren Class. We are a mixed class of Year 1 and Year 2 children
Mrs Berkley - Class Teacher
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Coduri-Dunn, Mrs Kent, Mrs Kerry, Mrs Warnes, Mrs Strutt, Mrs Knight
We hope you’ve enjoyed your winter break and have had a chance to catch up with family and friends and take some time to relax. We are looking forward to sharing lots of exciting learning activities this term with the children.
This term, Mrs Berkley will be teaching Wren class alongside Mrs Wiseman and Mrs Coduri-Dunn. Mrs Berkeley and Mrs Wiseman can be contacted via Dojo at any time and will respond during the school day to any messages sent, any messages sent after school hours may be read but not actioned until the next day.
This term we will be learning about transport - learning about ‘How do we get From A to B?’ We will explore the different types of transport; how other children get to school around the world (this will include learning about continents and countries) and the history of some methods of transport. We also be learning about castles and what life was like living in one. We are hoping to be able to visit Norwich Castle to enhance/consolidate our topic learning towards the end of term – further details will be sent out nearer the time.
In Science, we will be learning all about Living things and their habitats. We will be learning about different types of habitats/biomes and how the animals in them are adapted in order to survive in them. We will learn about food chains and the way that life forms are inter-dependent upon one another within their specific habitat.
In DT the children will be learning about the key parts of a wheeled vehicle. The children develop an understanding of how wheels, axles and axle holders work while creating the mechanism for a moving vehicle.
In Art we will be experimenting with expressive painting methods. We will explore colour mixing and experimental mark-making – including painting without brushes. This will culminate with the children painting Suffolk landscapes inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh and David Hockney.
In RE we will be learning about what Jesus taught about God in his parables and why Christians pray to God and worship him.
In Maths, we will begin by exploring number and place value. In both year groups, the children will be using a range of resources and concrete objects to support their learning and begin to build confidence and independence in solving problems. In year 1 we will primarily focus on understanding number to 10-ensuring we are confident with all our number bonds within and to 10 and can use these to help us solve problems. In year 1, the children will be building on their learning from last year to solve problems with numbers to 100. They will be applying their understanding of their number bonds to learn their number bond to 100 and practising how to add and subtract. They will also be looking at measurement his term. This term in maths, year 2s will also be learning about division and multiplication, along with measurement.
In English both year groups will be developing their English skills through texts selected from the Write Stuff scheme, particularly benefiting from the vocabulary rich learning it provides. The first book of the term that we will be using to support the children’s creative writing is called ‘The Train Ride’. This will complement the learning in their transport topic. We will also be working on phonics and spellings alongside helping to encourage a love of reading. If children love reading, their writing improves alongside this and will enable them access to all other subjects including maths, topic and science. To help improve fluency and comprehension it is essential that books are read at home and reading records completed alongside this.
In music this term, we will be linking our learning with our topic by exploring music linked to ‘Machines’. The children will be exploring beat and rhythm. They will be learning first how to move to music with different beats and then progress onto playing beats and rhythms on a variety of tuned and un-tuned instruments.
PE will be on a Friday afternoon and children should come into school in PE kits on Fridays, please make sure your child is dresses appropriately for these lessons as Mrs Coduri-Dunn hopes to be outside with them when possible. Please can we take this opportunity to remind children than trainers should be worn for PE lessons to allow the children to move safely and successfully.
PSHE will follow the no-outsiders scheme (‘Living in the wider world-the importance of respectable relationships’) along with some growth mind-set lessons to give children an insight into their own development and emotions.
The class timetable has been updated on Class Dojo which gives you information about all lessons and who will be teaching them!
Homework will be a mixture of online maths games from our Powermaths website and paper homework in a folder. This will alternate weekly. Please note that online homework is optional, however if you do opt out of completing this homework, then you will need to ensure your child is continuing to practise their number bonds (Yr1s) and timetables (Yr2s) during the weeks we have online homework. We would like to continue with this mixed approached to homework to be help support and accommodate all children and be inclusive to all learning needs.
Kind regards,
Mrs Berkley and Mrs Wiseman
Friday - Reading books for Y1 changed along with library books - New homework given out - PE Kit needed in school. |
Phonics in Wren Class
At Wilby School we follow Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) which is a government approved complete systematic, synthetic Phonics Programme.
A parent presentation to explain how we teach phonics in KS1 can be found HERE
The timetable that we teach phonics in across the year can be found HERE
There are many alternative sounds taught in Y1 - the following poster details these. If you woud like a copy please contact Mrs Berkley.
Click this link to listen to how the phonic sounds are pronounced
If you would like to know any additional information about phonics, please do not hesitate to contact any KS1 teaching staff.