Wilby Primary

'I can do all things through Him who gives me strength' (Philippians 4:13*) Wilby CE Primary School
  • Wilby is an awesome school packed full of caring students and teachers Gracie
  • We are all different but all equally important at Wilby Alfie
  • Wilby makes learning fun! Jonty
  • Wilby is just the most amazing school in the entire world! Harvey
  • We have a positive attitude towards being ourselves here. We know making mistakes is fine! It is how we learn Wren
  • Being a part of Wilby is like being part of a big family Alex
  • We have faith that everyone will do well and we make sure no one is left behind
  • I love Wilby because no one is left out
  • You are supported so you can achieve the very best at Wilby-it is a great place to be
Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary


Access our Science Skills Progression Chart HERE

Scientific Vocabulary HERE

Science Knowledge organisers 2024-25 

KS1 (Wren Class)

Autumn 1:Animals including humans-healthy animals

Autumn 2:Everyday Materials-materials matter!

Spring 1: Living Things and their habitats

Spring 2: Living things and their habitats 2

Summer 1: Everyday materials, squash, bend and twist

Summer 2: Growing plants

LKS2-(Kingfisher Class)

Autumn 1:It's electric

Autumn 2: Sound

Spring 1: Animals including Humans: digestion.

Spring 2: States of matter

Summer 1:Living things and their Habitats: name that living thing.

Summer 2: Living things and their habitats: Help our Habitats.

 UKS2 (Owl Class)

Autumn 1:The earth and Space

Autumn 2: Forces

Spring 1: Properties of materials.

Spring 2: Changing Materials.

Summer 1:Living things and their Habitats

Summer 2: Animals and Humans: Homo sapiens.


Science Knowledge organisers 2023-24

KS1 (Wren Class)

Autumn 1 and 2: Animal Safari

Spring 1: Changing Materials 

Spring 2:How does your garden grow?

Summer 1and 2:Changing materials 

LKS2-(Kingfisher Class)

Autumn 1:Electricity

Autumn 2: Animals including Humans

Spring 1:Sound

Spring 2:What are states of matter? 

Summer 1:What is a living thing? 

Summer 2:How can we protect our habitats?

UKS2 (Owl Class)

Autumn 1:Light

Autumn 2: Electricity

Spring 1: Living things and their habitats

Spring 2:Evolution and Inheritance

Summer 1 and 2: Animals including humans


Science Knowledge organisers 2022-23 

KS1 (Wren Class)

Spring 1 and 2: Materials

Summer 1: Weather

Summer 2: Plants

LKS2-(Kingfisher Class)

Spring 1 and 2: Rocks and Fossils and Amazing magnets

Summer 1: Roots and shoots

 UKS2 (Owl Class)

Spring 1: Animals including Humans-Are these your teeth?

Spring 2: States of Matter Scientists.

Summer 1: Living things and their habitats (Name that living thing!)


Science lessons provide the perfect opportunity to stimulate and excite pupils’ curiosity and interest in the world. Through practical exploration, children develop their understanding and knowledge of 'how', 'why', and 'what' happens in science investigations. At Wilby, we encourage pupils to ask questions  and discuss scientific issues that may affect their own lives. We help pupils to make sense of an ever-changing world.

A hands-on approach to teaching science is adopted throughout the school. These activities develop the children’s scientific skills of enquiry, observation, locating sources of information, selecting appropriate equipment and using it safely, measuring and checking results, making comparisons and communicating results and findings. Cross-curricular lessons are also taught on a regular basis, making effective links with the other curriculum areas such as maths, literacy and computing. 

Our highly popular Science club (held on Thursday evenings) provides further opportunities for hands-on and exciting explorations of scientific concepts-there's rarely a session goes by without an explosion, a bang or a whizz (all highly controlled of course!).