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- Headteacher's Welcome
- School Vision and Curriculum Intent
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Wilby School Vision and Curriculum Intent
Our school vision is firmly rooted in a Christian narrative, which was developed in close consultation with children (present and alumni) parents, teachers and governors to ensure that it clearly reflects our unique setting and the core beliefs and aspirations of our whole community
Curriculum Intent
We encourage our pupils to build resilience and to become creative, critical thinkers with positive and bravely ambitious attitudes towards learning.
The teaching of skills and knowledge in all subjects is carefully organised and prior learning built upon, to ensure that pupil’s understanding is relevant and long lasting. We utilise a mastery approach which provides for small steps in learning, ensuring that no child is left behind and all are able to flourish.
We teach our pupils to recognise and challenge inequality and promote an ethos where all feel valued, supported and able to realise their fullest potential, now and in the future