Related Pages
- Whole School Prospectus
- Wrap Around Care
- Term Dates
- Mental Health and Well-being
- SEN Core Offer
- School Day
- Super Seven Recommended Reading Lists
- Growth Mindset/ReflectED
- GDPR-Data Protection
- Admissions
- Uniform
- Friends of Wilby School Association
- School Dinners
- Internet Safety for Parents
- Useful links for Parents
- Severe weather guidance
- Parent View
Sweatshirt ordering: You can now order sweatshirts online from our suppliers Corporate Tiger. You need to login to corporate and then click on schools & clubs at the top and scroll down until you find Wilby Primary School. On the website there is a book bag, cardigan and sweatshirt available. The children all get given a free book bag so you do not need to purchase these unless you want to.
Link to uniform purchasing page HERE
At Wilby, our expectation is for children to wear school uniform as it helps them belong and creates a sense of being and team building. Our uniform is based on navy blue and grey. Most chain stores can supply clothes of these colours. Our sweatshirts can be ordered from corporate and then click on schools and clubs at the top and scroll down until you find Wilby Primary School. Alternatively, follow the link at the top of this page.
Winter Uniform
- Plain white shirts / blouses / Polo-neck t-shirts
- Grey or black trousers / skirts / culottes/ pinafore dress (no jeans)
- Wilby sweatshirts / plain navy sweatshirts/ jumpers / cardigans
Summer Uniform
- Plain white shirts / blouses / Polo-neck t-shirts
- Grey or black trousers / skirts / culottes / pinafore dress/ shorts (knee length)
- Blue and white checked dresses
- Plain black shoes, suitable for running. Children to bring wellington boots in bad weather but should also bring in school shoes to change into.
PE Uniform
- Wilby PE Top ( or white T shirt until available as needs to be ordered from school)
- Navy / black shorts and Navy / black tracksuits in winter. We request both shorts and tracksuits are in school during winter as PE could be inside or outside.
- Plimsolls or trainers (we have found Velcro is a good idea for younger children until they can tie laces). We do not allow pupils to wear football boots with studs as this can lead to injury with younger children.
- Each class from year 3 has the opportunity to have a term of swimming lessons. Girls need to wear a one piece costume and fitted trunks for boys. All children will need a towel, a swimming hat and goggles (if necessary) which should be placed in a water-proof bag.
Second Hand Uniform
Our Friends of Wilby School organise second uniform sales but they can also be contacted directly by parents/carers who wish to purchase pre-loved uniform at a greatly reduced price.
More information at the bottom of the page HERE