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- Internet Safety for Parents
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Internet Safety for Parents
Internet safety guidance: Access information about how to keep safe on the internet whilst completing homework/using the internet at home HERE
Please access our Power-Point on Internet Safety HERE
At Wilby CEVC Primary School we want staff, children, parents and carers to create a school community that embraces the use of new technologies. We promote the use of ICT to enhance learning and thinking and teach all of the children how to keep themselves safe. All adults in school ensure that pupils know how to report incidents and problems confidently and straight away.
At home, many children use computers to play games and learn. We want to encourage you to ensure children are supervised at all times at home, especially when accessing the internet.
Please help us to keep your child safe by keeping an eye on their internet activity and researching e-safety by using the links below.
Are you aware you can make sure your child is not downloading age inappropriate apps by ensuring your controls are set correctly?
There's a wealth of information on the NSPCC website which has just been updated: