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Personal Development and Diversity Education
Rationale for our Personal Development Curriculum
At Wilby school every child is respected both as an individual and as a member of our whole school community.
We teach our pupils to recognise and challenge inequality and promote an ethos where all feel valued, supported and able to realise their fullest potential, now and in the future. We want to ensure that no one is left behind.
We believe that our Personal Development curriculum and the 'No Outsiders' ethos that we have adopted, will give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy independent lives and to become respectful, active and responsible global citizens. Personal Development lies at the cornerstone of school ethos. We are preparing children for life in modern Britain; developing and deepening their understanding of fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, rule of law, and mutual respect and tolerance. We believe all our children can leave our schools confident and assured of their place in this diverse and changing world.
Each child at Wilby School is unique and individual, yet also belongs to a community. As they grow into citizens, children will engage with society; experience, live alongside and sometimes join different communities while retaining a sense of self. Personal Development is an umbrella term for the way in which we teach children be proud of who they are and know how they fit in the world in which they live.
The Curriculum
Following guidance from the PSHE Association, we teach Personal Development in three modules over the year: Relationships (Autumn Term), Health and well-being (Spring Term), Living in the wider world (Summer Term). At Wilby, we concentrate on each module for one term, providing eight lesson plans for each year group to teach during that time.
We have used the RSE Guidance for September 2020 (DfE 2019) and referenced the “By the end of primary school” objectives on page 20-22 for each lesson plan. Each plan supports one of the five areas of the guidance for primary schools: Families and people who care for me; Caring friendships; Respectful relationships; Online relationships; Being safe.
The Relationships module also includes a CSE (Child Sexual exploitation) lesson plan in every year group and a Domestic Violence lesson plan in Year 3 and year 6.
Sex and relationships lesson plans are taught in Y3 and Year 6 during the Living in the wider world module.
Planning for inclusive teaching across the curriculum and the school year:
We have adopted the 'No Outsiders' lesson plans developed by Andrew Moffat ( to ensure that our PSHE curriculum fully provides for the teaching of diversity and equality. The No Outsiders lessons are embedded into the curriculum to support each module and taught throughout the year. We also use weekly No Outsiders assembly pictures to reinforce the school-wide inclusive ethos. In addition to this we actively seek to promote opportunities for learning about diversity and equality across the curriculum. Plans for this can be found below.
Our objectives for PD education are as follows:
- Develop skills and attitudes in our pupils that will enable them to participate fully and contribute positively whilst thriving in modern Britain.
- “To put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds.” (DfE Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education: FAQs)
- Ensure that pupils understand Britain is a country rich in diversity and difference. Individual characteristics make people unique; everyone has differences, and everyone is welcome in our school.
- Develop an inclusive environment with an understanding and appreciation of British values: democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faith or belief and those without faith.
- Provide clear information to parents and carers about the Relationship Education curriculum and content in an accessible way so that they can support what their child is learning in school with their own teaching at home.
- Ask for feedback on this Relationship Education policy from parents and carers before it is ratified by Governors and in the future when it is amended. We welcome constructive dialogue so that we reach a mutual understanding of the aims. We will provide opportunities for parents and carers to air their views about our curriculum and we will consider all views given.
- Provide opportunities for parents and carers to join the school in the delivery of Relationship Education. This will be achieved through parent workshops where materials will be shared, and open lessons.
- Enable pupils to reflect on their own experiences, considering how they are developing character, personally and socially. Teach co-operation skills where pupils behave with integrity, feeling confident about their emerging selves and how they can contribute to school and to society.
- Enable children to reflect on their own mental health and consider how their actions affect the mental health of others.
- Provide opportunities for pupils to explore attitudes and beliefs that are different to their own or those of their family.
- Provide opportunities for pupils to consider the meaning and value of community and community cohesion in Britain today. To understand that communities are made up of people with diverse characteristics; for example, disabilities, ethnicities, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith, age. British communities are diverse, and difference is a positive not a negative.
- Develop an understanding of the different families that exist in Britain today including families with same sex parents. The DfE guidance (September 2020) says, “Primary schools are strongly encouraged and enabled, when teaching about different families, to include families with same sex parents.”
- Develop an understanding of stereotypes and the harm they can do. Ensure all children know they are welcome and included regardless of personality. The DfE guidance (September 2020) says when teaching about gender and biological sex, “You should not reinforce harmful stereotypes, for instance by suggesting that children might be a different gender based on their personality and interests or the clothes they prefer to wear.”
- Provide access to age appropriate resources when teaching about gender and biological sex.
- Ensure all students receive the support and respect they need as they move through the school and provide the skills to show empathy and support to peers if and when it is needed. The DfE guidance states, “Teachers should always seek to treat individual students with sympathy and support.”
- Develop an understanding of the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010 and gain a historical perspective of how equality and freedoms have been won over time and should not be taken for granted.
- Learn to understand, accept and respect a diverse community as something that generates benefits for all members. Develop an enthusiasm for diversity and difference in order to thrive as part of a vibrant and cohesive British society, therefore being resilient to potential radicalisation in later life.
By the end of primary school:
Families and people who care for me |
Pupils should know:
Caring friendships |
Pupils should know:
Respectful relationships |
Pupils should know:
Online relationships |
Pupils should know:
Being safe |
Pupils should know:
Below find details of the skill progression Y1-Y6 in the different areas of our PD curriculum:
Wilby PSHE Progression- Careers, financial capability and economic well-being
Wilby PSHE Progression- Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (DATE)
Wilby PSHE Progression- Identity, Society and Equality
Wilby PSHE Progression- Keeping safe and managing risk
Wilby PSHE Progression Mental Health and Well-being
Wilby PSHE Progression- Physical Health and Well-being
Wilby PSHE Progression- Sex and Relationship Education
Wilby EYFS PSHE Skills progression
Useful resources: