Wilby Primary

'I can do all things through Him who gives me strength' (Philippians 4:13*) Wilby CE Primary School
  • Wilby is an awesome school packed full of caring students and teachers Gracie
  • We are all different but all equally important at Wilby Alfie
  • Wilby makes learning fun! Jonty
  • Wilby is just the most amazing school in the entire world! Harvey
  • We have a positive attitude towards being ourselves here. We know making mistakes is fine! It is how we learn Wren
  • Being a part of Wilby is like being part of a big family Alex
  • We have faith that everyone will do well and we make sure no one is left behind
  • I love Wilby because no one is left out
  • You are supported so you can achieve the very best at Wilby-it is a great place to be
Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary Life at Wilby Primary



Owl Class - Years 5 & 6



 Welcome to the Owl Class page.

***NEW!*** Please visit our Owl Class Computing Blog here

 Our first topic this Autumn term is World War One, with a specific focus on how it changed the world. We will look at both why and how the war began, how the battles were fought, the roles women played, and some of the more decisive battles in the war.

In literacy lessons, we will be looking at some genuine diaries written at the time of WW1 and some poetry from the time. We will be writing our own diaries, exploring how it might have felt to be alive at the time, and writing our own poems to describe the experience of life in the trenches. After half term, our topic changes to The Changing Power of the Monarchs, and we will be writing informational texts about some of past rulers of England, including a brief exploration of Shakespeare’s life and works. We will then re-write our favourite moments from one of Shakespeare’s most loved plays.

In maths, we will begin by focussing on place value for numbers up to 10,000,000. We will then go over our methods for calculating the four operations, making sure these areas are really secure before moving on to working with fractions; Year 6s will also look at measurements later in the term.

In science, we will be looking at the Earth and Space: what are the planets; what are stars; and how gravity sculpts the cosmos. We will be making our own documentaries about how we know certain key theories about the nature of the solar system, which will involve a mixture of research and experiment.

In ICT, we will be learning how to use movie-making software, and linking this to our science topic.

In RE, we will be looking at Christianity and how Christians show their belief that Jesus is God incarnate.

Music will continue to be on Mondays, with Mrs Ryan, so please remember to bring in your instruments on that day. French lessons will also be on Monday afternoons, which will be led by Mrs Barber.

P.E. will be on Tuesday afternoons, and will be led by Mrs Coduri-Dunn; it is essential to remember your kit. We will also be swimming on Wednesday mornings, so please do remember to bring in your swimming kit for these days (including hat).

Homework will be given out on Fridays, and should be back in by the next Thursday, and there will be weekly spellings and times-tables tests on Thursday mornings. Your tables to learn will be updated at the back of your homework book as needed.

Class Teacher: Mr Haynes

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Barber & Mrs Edhouse