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Wrap Around Care from September 2023
(Please scroll down for details of Teacher-Led After School Clubs)
Please read the 2023 guidance for Wrap around Care HERE
Wrap Around Booking form HERE-word version HERE
Booking and payment arrangements for Wrap Around School Care:
Breakfast and After School Care charges: £3.50 per hour for YR to Y6
Parents/ carers must complete a booking form each week and pay for provision in advance.
- Booking forms MUST be received before Friday mid-day the week before child care is needed. This applies for ALL Breakfast and After School care requests.
- Bookings made during the week that child care is requested will not be accepted.
- Pupils will not be able to attend Breakfast or After School Care unless a booking form and payment has been received.
Booking forms will be sent home in pupil book-bags on Monday mornings and spare copied will be available in the school entrance hall. A booking form can also be downloaded HERE
Breakfast Club - 7.50-8.45 a.m £3.50 per session
Children will be offered a cereal breakfast if required. Please tell staff when you arrive to register your child at 7.50 am.
Pupil behaviour: We have high expectations of pupil behaviour in Breakfast Club and ALL After School Clubs. If a pupil behaves inappropriately they will receive a warning, if they are poorly behaved on a second separate occasion they will not be able to attend after school provision until further notice.
Late Collection: We reserve the right to refuse future bookings if children are collected late from After School sessions
Activities provided by After School Care will include: Lego, homework supervision, craft and structured play activities. A range of activities will be available on any particular day.
Teacher Led After School Clubs
All teacher-led after school clubs are free of cost unless otherwise stated below.
(Please remember that Extended After School Provision can be purchased to follow on after a School Club has finished )