Pupil Premium
Wilby CEVC Primary School Pupil premium strategy statement
This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.
School overview
Detail |
Data |
School name |
Wilby CEVC Primary School |
Number of pupils in school |
89 |
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils |
20% |
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers |
2023-24 |
Date this statement was published |
1.5.24 |
Date on which it will be reviewed |
1.9.24 |
Statement authorised by |
R.Wiseman |
Pupil premium lead |
R.Wiseman |
Governor / Trustee lead |
S.Apps |
Funding overview
Detail |
Amount |
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year |
£16,740 |
Recovery Premium Funding (RPF) allocation this academic year. |
£2,175 |
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) |
£0 |
Total budget for this academic year
Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan
Statement of intent
Overcoming barriers to learning is at the heart of our Pupil Premium Grant use. We understand that needs and costs will differ depending on the barriers to learning being addressed. As such, we do not automatically allocate personal budgets per student in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant. Instead, we identify the barrier to be addressed and the interventions required, whether in small groups, large groups, the whole school or as individuals, and allocate a budget accordingly. Our Priorities Setting priorities is key to maximising the use of the Pupil Premium Grant. Our priorities are as follows: · Ensuring all students receive quality first teaching(QFT) each lesson · Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers · Providing targeted academic support for students who are not making the expected progress · Addressing non-academic barriers to attainment such as attendance, behaviour, mental health and well-being and cultural capital · Ensuring that the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) reaches the pupils who need it most |
This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.
Challenge number |
Detail of challenge |
1 |
High level of specific learning difficulties-with increased incidence of ASD (including symptoms of ADHD and ADD) and Dyslexia (implications that Covid absence/isolation have discernably exacerbated symptoms) |
2 |
More limited home support for pupil learning due to a wide-range of reasons relating to capacity and pupil behaviour issues/emotional need |
3 |
Complex home arrangements (past and present) continue to impact on pupil progress and well-being |
4 |
Deterioration of social skills, decreased self-esteem and ability to make and sustain peer-group friendships as a result of lockdown/Covid 19 related absence. |
5 |
Impact of social isolation on early speaking and writing skills |
6 |
High emotional needs including lack of self-esteem and behavioural issues which impact negatively on progress for both PPG children and non PPG children |
7 |
Financial constraints-parents difficulty in financing equipment purchase /affording inclusion in school trips including residential trips etc.-impacting negatively on cultural capital |
Intended outcomes
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.
Intended outcome |
Success criteria |
All pupils are provided with pre and over learning experiences ensuring that gaps in learning are filled and concepts well embedded |
Pupils are able to access classroom teaching and work at expected levels alongside their peer group. Intervention support is provided both within and beyond the school day to enable pupils to 'keep up' rather than 'catch-up' |
Pupils’ emotional well-being, and as far as is possible, that of their parents/carers, is supported enabling them to focus in school, become emotionally robust and develop the correct mind-set to access learning |
Pupil absence/persistent lateness due to deteriorated well-being is decreased and time in class accessing QFT is increased/maintained. Pupil progress and attainment is positively impacted upon |
Pupils social skills are developed enabling them to communicate effectively, developing self-esteem and enabling them to develop/sustain peer group relationships |
Incidences of poor behaviour are decreased. Pupil perception interviews reflect pupils positive well-being and fuller engagement in school life |
All pupils are enabled to fully participate in every aspect of the curriculum |
All pupils will be receive appropriate funding for additional equipment needed/ to enable them to take part in all activities that have additional costs attached |
Activity in this academic year
This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)
Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)
Budgeted cost: £11,360
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
ELS phonic support ('Enable' same day intervention support) |
EEF Planning Toolkit Language intervention identified as very high impact for low cost based on extensive evidence |
27% of PPG children and 15% of SEN pupils. |
One to one support (TA)used to supplement QFT |
EEF Planning toolkit intervention of this nature identified as effective provided that it is delivered in addition to QFT and does not diminish the amount of high quality interactions that they have in the classroom |
27% of PPG children and Additional SEN Pupils |
Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)
Budgeted cost: £ 5344
Activity |
Evidence that supports this approach |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Nurture group Support |
Evaluations indicate that nurture groups are successful. A 2015 review of studies into the effectiveness of nurture groups by Hanna Bennett* found an increase in social, emotional and behavioural outcomes in the majority of children *E.g: ‘Results of the systematic review on nurture groups' effectiveness', The International Journal of Nurture in Education, Vol. 1 Issue: 1, pp.3-8. |
Over 25% of PPG pupils receive support. Other non PPG pupils receive support as required |
Lego group Intervention |
Extensive research identifies the positive impact of this group intervention on development of social skills and Outcome of social skills intervention based on interactive LEGO play** **E.g:Daniel B Legoff 1, Michael Sherman2006 Jul;10(4):317-29. doi:10.1177/1362361306064403. |
Over 25% of PPG pupils receive support. Other non PPG pupils receive support as required |
Individual play therapy |
Extensive research*** reflects the positive impact on pupil general well-being, identification/understanding of emotions and ability to self-regulate/use self-expression ***E.g: Philips RD. ‘How firm is our foundation? Current play therapy research’. Int J Play Ther. 2010;19:13–25 Baggerly J, Bratton S. Building a firm foundation in play therapy research: response to Philips. Int J Play Ther. 2010 |
Focussed support for a minimum of 2 pupils over a 6 month period |
Play leadership scheme |
Keeping the children engaged means less accidents and incidents occur whilst encouraging children to improve their social skills. Engagement of PPG children increases their confidence and leads to decrease in playground incidents School feedback has suggested that children who partake in structured play return to class focussed and on task. https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/jpah/15/10/article-p747.xml |
Play leader (TA) appointed. Pupils receive play leader training New equipment purchased and organised so that children can independently lead activities. Reward system in place 25% of PPG children appointed as leads. |
Additional planned pupil premium expenditure for 2023-24:
- Funding intensive booster group in maths and writing for Y6 before and after school (£2,950)
- Increased access to educational visits (Thorpewoodlands, Sea-life centre trips, London trip, etc.) free entry to fee paying clubs and resources= £1,800
- Employment of Educational psychologist and Behaviour Support Services =£1,800
- Forest Schools Holiday Club Provision for 2 pupils=£400
Total budgeted cost 2023-24: £ 23,654