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Kingfisher Home-Learning
Friday 18th February - Storm Eunice
RE - Muhammed's life and message.
Mymaths has been set for home-learning. Please send a message via Class Dojo if you are unsure of your log-in details
Science- please follow the instructions here to make some wax resist paintings at home.
Weather Activities
Questions about today's weather
Friday 28th January
In RE today we are learning more about why Muhammad was chosen to by Allah to be his messenger
Intro: -Muhammad and the Koran
Task 1-what we can tell about Muhammad from stories about him
You have also been set maths tasks on my maths. You have been sent your log in details in a Dojo message last week
Monday 31st January:
Y2 Spelling group-spellings for this week
Task 1
Mrs Samson's group-spellings for this week
Year 3 spelling group-spellings for this week
Tuesday 1st February
Green(Triangle) and Blue (Square) group questions
Green group maths introduction
Thursday 27.1.22
Green Group (Triangle) - Division
Blue Group (Square) Powerpoint
Blue Group - Division with remainders
Wednesday 26.1.22
English - Write a Diary entry for Edmund meeting the White witch.
Topic - Today we are learning about Anglo Saxon place names. Use atlases to find settlements in the UK with Anglo Saxon place names. Can you find any local Anglo-Saxon settlements. Use an atlas or google maps to help.
Tuesday 25.1.22
Blue (Square) Group Maths Powerpoint
Blue Maths Problem solving questions.
Green (Triangle) Group maths questions.
English - Today I would like you write a description of the white witch from the Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe.
Monday 24.1.22
Spelling Y3 group-spellings for this week
Spelling Y2 group-spellings for this week
Spelling Mrs Samson's group-spellings for this week
Spelling activity sheet (Also have a go at the other Y2 spelling activity sheets)
Year 2 times tables activities
Year 3 times tables activities
Monday 17.1.22
Green group spelling sheet 1
Green group spelling Sheet 2
Blue group spelling sheet 2
Tuesday 18.1.22
Blue maths group powerpoint lesson starter
Blue group literacy activity (select sheet 2)
Possessive apostrophes activity-Blue group
Possessive apostrophes Green group
Wednesday 19.1.22
In English the children are going to write a diary entry for Mr Tumnus and in History they are looking at artefacts to work out what they tells us. The resources are below.
There is also an additional activity for History today where children learn about a saxon village then cut out the pictures to make their own and label it with the labels. This could be added to their home learning.
Activity sheet historian questions
My Anglo Saxon Village picture
Village life information slides
Thursday 20.1.22
Today the children have been set some my maths tasks for home-learning. They need to log in to their own accout via the maymaths website. Personal log-in details will have been sent to your Class Dojo account.
We would also like the to do some work on apostrophes for contraction. Please choose the level(s) that you think are correct for you or work through them all:
Friday 21.1.22
Art activity to try for fun (but good for developing techniques too!)