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British Value | Statement | Evidence | Impact |
Mutual respect and the tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs | Respect is a fundamental value in our school, around which much of our work pivots. We pay explicate attention to this as part of our RE, SMSC and PSHE. curriculum. Respect is a school value that is discussed starting with self-respect, and covering respect for our parents/carers, friends, other groups , the world and it's people and our environment and all life within it. |
Collective worship planning and evaluations. RE Curriculum Learning walks for behaviour and behaviour for learning. Our school values. |
Children can explain why respect is important, how they show this value to others and how they feel about it in relation to themselves and their work. Children's behaviour demonstrates their clear understanding of this value in action. Children are learning about Christianity and are exploring other faiths and cultures. They ask questions and show tolerance of others. |
Democracy | The children see and demonstrate democratic principles throughout their school day. It is a school value that children need when discussing respect and fairness. | Collective worship planning. Learning walks for behaviour and behaviour for learning. School values. The children in class, at play and around school. Year 6 visit to the Houses of Parliament. | Our children are able to work cooperatively in pairs and groups in addition to whole class situations. They understand about taking turns and respecting the views of others allowing them to have their say in discussion and learning. Children learn to debate and put forward a side of an argument based in fact. |
Rule of Law |
The children are familiar with this through our Christian philosophy which infuses the entire work of our school. They are familiar with the concept through our RE and PSHE lessons and learn that other religions have guiding principles. WE exhibit this when we discuss right and wrong in situations and when we encourage chikdren to set their class rules and expectations. This is reinforced by visitors to the school to lead assemblies or talk to children |
Class rules / school charter and code of conduct. Behaviour. School Values. PSHE lessons and discussions. Collective worship planning. Learning walks for behaviour and behaviour for learning. | Children are able to explain how and why they should behave both in school and in the wider community. They demonstrate that they understand and follow our expectations in relation to behaviour and work. They can explain why their actions may sometimes be wrong and affect the smooth running and harmony of our school community. |
Individual Liberty | Celebration assemblies promote self-respect and self-worth. We recognise and celebrate that every child is important in their own right and a unique special creation. our teaching and learning places emphasis on the right to have our own thought and evidence based views. we strongly encourage all our children to develop into strong independent learners who think for themselves and who each have a voice and a chance to be heard. | Celebration assemblies. pupils talk about their achievements and successes. | children learn the importance of accepting responsibility and of their right to be heard in school. They are consulted where appropriate for their age and development on aspects of school life and their learning. School council enables pupils a strong individual and collective voice |